Dear Icthus Amigo
I want you to see what Luis Yon has shared about Icthus ministry and emergency. Luis has a unique perspective as he grew up in Central America. He has firsthand knowledge.
From Luis Yon – our new Associate Director.
I grew up in Guatemala. I saw firsthand the results of extreme poverty. Children have few opportunities, and life is difficult. They need guidance and encouragement to be able to grow. The pandemic has made it much harder to help the children. More than ever impoverished children need special help and compassion.
Icthus en Casa (Icthus at Home) was developed to help children and youth during this pandemic. Children need Icthus en Casa to know God loves them and to learn to love God first and love others as themselves. They need ministry to help them grow mentally, socially, and spiritually.
All kids, especially those from impoverished families need Icthus en Casa Ministry.
I have the blessing of living in the United States. When my children need a pencil, they grab one from the many sitting on top of my desk. It is so easy to take things for granted. But it is a different story for a kid named Diego, from Monteria, Colombia.
Let me tell you about Diego, (left) and why kids like him need your help.
Thirteen-year-old Diego was born with a condition that prevents him from growing normally. In Icthus, Diego found a family that accepts him. He has learned that his short stature is no obstacle for him. He loved Icthus.
Sadly, that came to a stop. When COVID-19 started, Icthus group meetings became impossible. As with other kids, Diego needs Icthus en Casa to have Ministry at home during the pandemic.
Your support will make it possible to bring Icthus en Casa to more children. Some who have internet access can see the videos and download the materials. But many of the children, like Diego, don't have the internet. They need the printed Icthus en Casa worksheets brought to them by their guides
Also, some poorer children lack basic things like a pencil. Because they have very little in their home, they need Learning Kits with things like pencils, paper, crayons, to be able to do Icthus activities at home.
Your support is needed to provide kids like Diego with Icthus en Casa and to help the poorer children who need a Learning Kit.
Icthus amigo, please continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing His Word and provision to these children!!
Dear Friend,
As you can see Luis is passionate about helping kids. Icthus en Casa, is a significant part of the Ministry and Emergency aid campaign. These are not normal times. Kids and their families need help more than ever. Your help is essential.
What will your gift do?
You’ll help prepare and distribute weekly videos and written materials to each child. Some will receive them through the internet, some will even have virtual Zoom meetings. For many who don't have internet, their guides will deliver the printed materials to their homes. Children from poorer families will receive a Learning Kit with tools like pencils.
The cost of helping a child have Icthus en Casa through 2021 is $15. You can help provide 2 children with Icthus the whole year-end for $30. Three kids will have Icthus for just $45. Four children can have Icthus for $60.
Will you help one or more children grow and learn to love God and their neighbor as themselves by providing them with Ministry?
Thank you,
Don Weisbrod,
President and Co-founder
PS: Your help will make a difference to kids during the pandemic. Today, please give online HERE