59 Years Preparing Young People for Christian Service and Leadership
59 Years Preparing Young People for Christian Service and Leadership

During our 60th birthday, your gift will be matched up to $15,000!

      Lives are being changed, and families, churches, and communities are being transformed by God's love. 


But many still need help. 


Give today to help more kids with Icthus, all donations will be doubled to $15,000! 


Give a helping hand to children in Latin America! 


Provide consistent ministry throughout the year by giving monthly. 

(Secure donation through Bloomerang)

Our monthly giving club is called  Padrinos - an endearing Spanish term for God Parent or Sponsor.  


Padrinos help more kids have Icthus by giving monthly.  You can give an online gift or send your check every month.  An easier way is to set up an automatic monthly donation monthly.  Another way is to arrange for your bank to send your gift every month.   


A Padrino gives monthly so groups of kids can have Icthus throughout the year.  


 Average group 15-25 kids 

$20=½ group        $40=1 group      $60=1½ groups     

 $80=2 groups     $120=3 groups


Give monthly here:

(Secure donation through Bloomerang)

Provide Emergency Aid and ministry for the rest of the year!

Many families have been affected by rains and floods in Latin America.  They need Emergency Aid! 


Give Emergency Aid and Icthus for the rest of the year to a family affected by natural disasters in Latin America with only $22.  


Any amount helps!

For donations by mail, please send them to:


Icthus International

PO Box 77160,

Corona, CA 92877

Help a guide!  In order to reach more children, Icthus guides in Latin America need training and encouragement. 


Icthus leaders need to go to Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica to train new Icthus guides and start groups for more children! 

(Secure donation through Bloomerang)

Other ways to give monthly: 


1. Send your check monthly.

2. Have your bank send the your gift automatically with bill pay each month.


For donations by mail, please send them to:


Icthus International

PO Box 77160,

Corona, CA 92877


Other Ways to Help


You can write in the Project, Country, or Icthus leader you would like to designate your gift for.

 Give a Legacy Gift

(DAF) Gifts from your Donor Advised Fund

If you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation you may find it convenient to donate in this way.  Please check with your financial institution.

Give by Mail or Phone

You may also donate directly by:


Credit Card: Call the International office to make a credit card donation. 

(262) 705-3759


Check:  Send a check made out to "Icthus" and mailed to:

Icthus International

PO Box 77160, Corona, CA 92877


Icthus is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization and an ECFA Member

 Gifts to Icthus are tax deductible as per IRS regulations.


To view the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA) report on Icthus click here.  


To see the ECFA 7 Standards of Responsible Stewardship click here.

What Icthus Amigos say:


"Icthus makes a difference in the lives of kids."   

                                - Marion


"When children's behavior and outlook on life changes for good, parents are drawn to find out the reason.   Countless families have committed their lives to Christ through Icthus in many different countries.   Now it is starting in Africa and soon we may see it spread all over the world.

Truly a vision of God."   

                                - Baukien

"Icthus is changing kids' lives and their families all over the world! God is using this ministry in amazing ways. Join in and help with your donations to touch even more lives!!!" 

                               - Charlotte

"Icthus is a complete discipleship program  for Kids. Many have grown into leadership in Icthus and their community . It is truly God inspired and continues to be blessed by Him." 

                                   - Pep

See our Facebook Page:

 Click HERE to learn how to leave a Legacy Gift to Icthus. 

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© Icthus - Equipping Young People for Christian Service and Leadership