59 Years Preparing Young People for Christian Service and Leadership
59 Years Preparing Young People for Christian Service and Leadership

New Icthus guides need the training to reach more children!  

         As Covid restrictions are lifted in Latin America, churches are reopening, and there is a dire need for children’s ministry. 


        Icthus guides (small group leaders) need training and encouragement to open Icthus groups in their churches!


Many vulnerable children in poor barrios of Latin America need an Icthus guide!


       Children raised without ministry in poor and violent communities, often think they only have 2 options: become a gang member or become a gang victim.


       I hope that the next story of my own experience helps you understand why it is urgent to train guides to reach more children:


            When I was a kid in Guatemala, my parents opened a church in our home. They also started a Vacation Bible School to reach new children.  Many kids came, most of them extremely poor. Some stayed in the church for many years, but others, like my friend Fernando, did not come back.

As the years passed, my neighborhood became more dangerous, and gangs took over the streets.  Sadly, Fernando became a gang leader and I had to keep my distance from him. 


          One day, I heard gunshots in front of my house.  I ran outside and found Fernando lying on the street bleeding.  He was in great pain and could hardly speak.  I asked how I could help, and he asked me to pray for him.  Fernando gave his life to Jesus before the ambulance took him! 


          As the ambulance left, I wondered, “Could I have done more to help him stay in the church?”      I wish we’d had a ministry like Icthus growing up!  Perhaps then, Fernando would have become a Christian leader instead of a gang leader.


         Sadly, the story of Fernando is the same for many children in Latin America today.   That is why you are needed! 


You can help a vulnerable child become a Christian leader by providing training to an  Icthus guide today!

Every child has potential to be a leader!

With your help, they can become passionate Christian leaders that reflect the character of Jesus.    



What does it mean for a vulnerable kid to have Icthus?  William Mitchell, Icthus’ board president, can answer that for you:


              “Some thirty years ago, I first learned of Icthus International in the La Canada Presbyterian Church bulletin.  God called me through that simple invitation to volunteer at their Guatemala office, so I went.  Always ready for a challenge, I soon found myself on a days-long bus trip through Mexico and then to Guatemala.  But that was just the beginning of my adventure.


              The dedication and creativity of the Icthus leaders and youth inspired me to serve, and I ended up spending seven years in Guatemala.  I witnessed as children and teenagers, in the city and in the mountains, connected with God and their communities. 


              As we trained and encouraged groups, we witnessed as pastors, parents, teens, and children blossomed.  In time, I saw youth step up and heed the call to serve and lead.  This transformative cycle continues to revolutionize barrios and villages even as you read these words. 


              Children and youth throughout Latin America are desperately searching for hope and community.  Looking ahead, God has great things in store, and He wants to use you.” 


 Will you respond to God’s calling to help children through Icthus?


 Your help is needed!  In order to reach more children, Icthus guides in Latin America need training and encouragement.  Icthus leaders need to go to Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica to train new Icthus guides and start groups for more children! 


Click here to give your best gift to help vulnerable children in Latin America today!

What Icthus Amigos say:


"Icthus makes a difference in the lives of kids."   

                                - Marion


"When children's behavior and outlook on life changes for good, parents are drawn to find out the reason.   Countless families have committed their lives to Christ through Icthus in many different countries.   Now it is starting in Africa and soon we may see it spread all over the world.

Truly a vision of God."   

                                - Baukien

"Icthus is changing kids' lives and their families all over the world! God is using this ministry in amazing ways. Join in and help with your donations to touch even more lives!!!" 

                               - Charlotte

"Icthus is a complete discipleship program  for Kids. Many have grown into leadership in Icthus and their community . It is truly God inspired and continues to be blessed by Him." 

                                   - Pep

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© Icthus - Equipping Young People for Christian Service and Leadership