By Don Weisbrod, Director and Cofounder
In October, Luis Yon visited us to meet with the Icthus Board. My wife, Dianne, and I hosted him. He was a delightful guest and we enjoyed getting to know him better. Here are a few questions I asked him.
What leads you to dedicate yourself to Icthus?
In Icthus I can genuinely help children in need. This means to help them find and fulfill their God-given purpose. Starting by knowing Jesus, developing talents and skills, and blessing their families, churches and towns.
What have you noticed about Icthus Amigos you’ve talked to?
I talked to a businessman who recently became an Icthus amigo, he said “I don’t have a business; it’s God’s business.” Icthus Amigos’ generosity and compassion for children inspire me. They become the answer to prayers.
How do you and your wife work together in ministry?
Rachael and I met in a worship team in Guatemala. Today, 13 years later, we continue to lead worship in our church in Waukegan IL.
What are you thankful for?
by Luis Yon, Associate Director
I am thankful for the Icthus family. Beautiful people who love God and help others selflessly. You, dear Icthus Amigo, are one of them. Without your help, all of these stories of children being transformed wouldn’t exist.
You probably have a lot to be grateful for as we come to the end of another Covid19 year. The end of the pandemic seems closer to us, at least here in the United States. But that is not true for families in Latin America.
Many more children and their families need Icthus ministry today more than ever. This Thanksgiving, remember all the blessings you have received and ask God if there is more that you can do to help.
Would you give a Thanksgiving gift to provide Icthus to more children in need?